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Messages - deazo

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Development / Mediaportal export plugin!
« on: October 13, 2010, 08:36:35 am »

 I didn't know where to post that but I just wanted to say THANKS to Nostra for his effort in developing that plugin.
 I have not tested it and won't be able to do so for a while but I can't wait!  ;D

Help / Re: 1060 Importing Existing Collections [In Progress]
« on: October 03, 2010, 08:22:33 pm »
I didn't know that. Good thing I kept the old database, I can re-run the import to change the date, nice one!

Help / Re: 1060 Importing Existing Collections [In Progress]
« on: October 01, 2010, 08:06:51 am »
Rick, correct me if I am wrong but if I remember well, when I imported an existing collection into another one using CSV import, the "date added" field was not captured, and all "date added" values became the date when I imported the collection.
Even if choosing to overwrite.

Feature Suggestions / Re: New version?
« on: September 17, 2010, 01:25:24 pm »

 Sounds good.

Talk / Re: Recommend a Movie form Your Country - Monthly
« on: September 12, 2010, 07:26:59 am »

 Two great movies from the same director, very unique style, very funny:

  Louise Michel:;

 He also recently did Mammuth which got great reviews but I have not seen it yet.

Talk / Re: Movies you recently wasted your time watching
« on: September 12, 2010, 07:19:04 am »

 Just watched "Une petite zone de turbulences"... waste of time.

Feature Suggestions / Re: New version?
« on: September 12, 2010, 06:34:02 am »

 OK thanks Nostra, now I know I should get back to just enjoying life and pvd just as it is!  :P

Feature Suggestions / Re: New version?
« on: September 10, 2010, 03:22:18 pm »
I suspect the real answer you wanted is when

 That's actually the only question I have asked...

Feature Suggestions / New version? [1.0.0 to be released in 2011]
« on: September 10, 2010, 12:23:22 pm »
OK I am going to be politically incorrect, rude and pushy, and ask the question that I am sure a lot of people here have in mind.........

When can we expect a new version from Nostra?

I know I shouldn't ask this, considering PVD is free for all of us (thank u thank u thank u), but I just can't resist!

Feature Suggestions / Re: Subtitles scan?
« on: September 04, 2010, 10:33:45 pm »

 Nostra that's great news, can't wait for the next release!
 Just for your info, but I'm sure you already thought of that. Some subfiles are written with language at the end.
 I mean something like
 So it would be great if the scan could pick these languages as well.
 And even better if we could customize it so that it picks up things like "eng" or "fre", and so on.

 Thanks for everything.

Feature Suggestions / Subtitles scan?
« on: September 02, 2010, 12:10:51 pm »
 Hi all,

 I have a lot of .avi movie files with next to them subtitles files (either .srt or .sub+.idx ones).
 The subtitles files are named the same as the movie files.
 Wouldn't it be possible for the folder scan to scan through the directory where the movie file is stored and spot these subtitles files?

 Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it does not do that at the moment.
 It only recognize subtitles if they are in the container, e.g. an mkv file.

 This feature would greatly help me find out about movies were subs are missing.



Scripts and Templates / Re: Rotten Tomatoes ratings
« on: August 30, 2010, 10:26:58 pm »

 Hi All,
 I have no script writing/programing skills so I don't know if these can help any of you experts in building a Rotten Tomatoes rating scraper, but just in case it does, have a look at these two pages:

The scraper for Media Portal has been designed to only scrape the rotten tomatoes rating, which is really what I am after here.
 Is this useless?
 If it is, don't hesitate in deleting that post, just a shot in the dark here...I really would LOVE to update my movies with this rating.

Support / Re: Multi threaded IMDB fetching?
« on: August 27, 2010, 12:24:15 pm »

 Thanks for clarification Rick, I thought Silent Mode was taking the first movie found (!), that's why I was never using it.
 In terms of speed, I think the script is very fast or at least fast enough.
 Unless you're on 56K of course  ;D

Support / Re: Multi threaded IMDB fetching?
« on: August 27, 2010, 09:01:19 am »

 Hi Rick,
 could you clarify "silent mode" for me please?
 I always thought it was taking the first result in the list of films found, hence that there was no way to return to the "not 100% match".

 But from what you wrote it sounds like it is just skipping the ones it is not sure about?
 Could you confirm please?


Support / Re: Searching Checkbox
« on: August 20, 2010, 11:33:52 am »

 Hi Nostra,

 I take this opportunity to ask you a "side" question regarding the checkbox.
 Would it be possible to batch edit a group of movies to tick that custom item checkbox to all of them?
 I think it's not possible right now. Is it on your TO DO list or is it just not technically possible?
 Thanks and sorry for posting that in this thread, I just thought it was not worth a new thread.


Feature Suggestions / Re: Trailers
« on: August 16, 2010, 07:27:35 pm »

 Even though I find the possibility of locally playing trailers interesting, I would like to clarify that my personal suggestion was not about that, but more about the ability to search for trailers directly from PVD'd interface and view them, as streaming videos, from PVD or a player software.
 Saving thousands of trailers on my hard drive is really not something I ever want to do.
 Nostra might hence want to count TWO feature suggestions instead of one. Just more work hey? ::)

Talk / Re: Movies you recently wasted your time watching
« on: August 14, 2010, 04:32:18 am »

 Have you tried ?
 A few of us in this forum have profiles on it.
 Still, the recommendation system won't be perfect.

 There is also
 It is using a "movie DNA" type of system, in order to allow you to find movies similar to a particular one.

 Thanks for the "stunt" correction...

Feature Suggestions / Re: Trailers
« on: August 13, 2010, 11:17:29 am »

 Actually there is no need for Hijacking, the video page URL is the only thing needed, just paste it in the network field of VLC (latest build) and it will read it.
 So what could work is a script that would take/scrap the link to the first result of a Youtube search result page.
 Then set VLC or the default player to open it in its network option.

 For example the link: (Grabbed on the search page: can easily be read by VLC.

Talk / Re: Movies you recently wasted your time watching
« on: August 13, 2010, 09:12:48 am »
 Hyomil, while I agree with some, I have to say I am stunt at some of your lowest ratings.
 Rating films like "Being John Malkovitch" or "kung Fu Hustle" or "Ed Wood" less than 5 is a proof of a strong Charisma I would have to say!
 I have checked your favorite films on Listal and was doubly stunt to find "Angel-A" in your top 15.
 This would be at 1.5 I think in my own list if I had bothered to put it in.
 We are such a varied community that I am starting to wonder about all these rating systems, are they really that useful?
 I knew that of course, and before discovering your choices I thought that roughly 75% of the times I could trust a good rating system (like rotten tomatoes for example) but now I am  wondering if that number should be more like 40% or even lower, considering such deep differences.

 If life wasn't so short we wouldn't have to bother with all this...

Feature Suggestions / Re: Trailers
« on: August 13, 2010, 08:44:01 am »

 My suggestion did not contain any "downloading trailer" suggestion because basically I really do not want to do that.
 This would take a big amount of memory and really what I was after was only a way of watching a streaming video without having to open firefox (or any other browser).

 This is why I suggested a kind of "scraper" (?) that would take the streaming link.
 This link could be automatically recognized by a video player (say VLC or MPC) and played within it.

 Also I guess this would eliminate the possibly heavy work needed from Nostra to build a browser within pvd... (i've seen this in Utorrent actually)

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