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Scripts and Templates / Re: AllMovie.com_new movie script
« Last post by Ivek23 on June 23, 2024, 08:42:46 am »
Thanks Ivek. I just found out so, and I knew I could expect such a message from you here, understandably. Thanks for your work on this script so far, it was great while it lasted!

Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Last post by afrocuban on June 18, 2024, 08:46:52 pm »
Here are the Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS] script versions for the Afrocuban user, where the information in the Seasons-Episodes custom field is correctly transferred.

Added Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS]1 a_(afrocuban), Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS]2 a_(afrocuban) scripts for several seasons of the series and Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [ HTTPS] 1sea_(afrocuban) script for one season of a certain series.

Thank you so much!
Scripts and Templates / Re: Rottentomatoes_ [HTTPS] script
« Last post by afrocuban on June 18, 2024, 08:45:07 pm »
Thanks for the info!
Scripts and Templates / Re: AllMovie.com_new movie script
« Last post by afrocuban on June 18, 2024, 08:44:34 pm »
Thanks Ivek. I just found out so, and I knew I could expect such a message from you here, understandably. Thanks for your work on this script so far, it was great while it lasted!
Other Topics / Re: PVD Alternatives
« Last post by downe on June 17, 2024, 11:12:26 pm »
All my Movies would be best solution, in my opinion, if someone could make imdb script for it....
Scripts and Templates / Re: AllMovie.com_new movie script
« Last post by Ivek23 on June 16, 2024, 01:37:13 pm »
Announcement:[EN][HTTPS] script don't work anymore.


The massive changes in the source code of movies web pages.

All AllMovie.com_new scripts also don't work anymore.

Some items can no longer be found because they have been removed. The new look of the website is also, if you ask me, generally desperate and unlikable.

The[EN][HTTPS] script will also no longer be updated due to massive changes to the website source code and certain changes can no longer be added to the script.
Support / Re: https
« Last post by Ivek23 on June 16, 2024, 09:12:37 am »
Announcement:[EN][HTTPS] script don't work anymore.


The massive changes in the source code of movies web pages.

All AllMovie.com_new scripts also don't work anymore.

Some items can no longer be found because they have been removed. The new look of the website is also, if you ask me, generally desperate and unlikable.

The[EN][HTTPS] script will also no longer be updated due to massive changes to the website source code and certain changes can no longer be added to the script.

Scripts and Templates / Re: Rottentomatoes_ [HTTPS] script
« Last post by Ivek23 on June 09, 2024, 08:22:40 am »

Rottentomatoes_ [HTTPS] script don't work anymore.


The massive changes in the source code of movies web pages.

Rottentomatoes_simple_Bing_Search_0 script no longer works and cannot be fixed anymore.

Rottentomatoes_[HTTPS]_Series script, Rottentomatoes [HTTPS]_Season script and Rottentomatoes [HTTPS]_Episode script are no longer working and I will not be fixing and editing them to work again.

Rottentomatoes_ [API] script will not be published because the API option has been partially discontinued and changed and can no longer be used for the script.

The Rottentomatoes_[HTTPS] script will also no longer be updated due to massive changes to the Rottentomatoes website source code and certain changes can no longer be added to the script.
Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Last post by Miguelh1020 on June 05, 2024, 02:59:45 pm »
Ok thank you! 50 should be enough anyways
Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Last post by Ivek23 on June 05, 2024, 07:50:43 am »
Is there a way to get all the tags/plot keywords from IMDB?
I changed a number in the script to get all of them but because of the way IMDB displays the plot keywords, the links to show "50 moreAll" is added as the last tag.
Can I get the rest of the tags somehow?

No, because there is currently no way to download all tags/plot keywords.
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